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Chris Franklin

for President

By coming together, we can change the outcome of the election.

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A New Plan for Democracy

New checks and balances. Voluntary accountability. True power for everyday people. The freedom to solve our most urgent problems.Watch the video above to learn more.

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Originally posted on ByThePeople2020.org >

This video is provided non-commercially under The Copyright Act of 1976 and other laws, for the public good.

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The Year 1812 Solemn Overture, Op. 49, by Tchaikovsky, performed by Philharmonia Slavonica; Nuvole Bianche, by Ludovico Einaudi, performed by Rousseau; Ful Stop, by Radiohead; I Love You, by Billie Eilish; Live Your Life, by T.I. featuring Rihanna

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The old way is asking who is this candidate, what are his or her policies, platform, politics? What are they promising, and what will they do in office [that we’ll have to endure and live with]?The new way is having a candidate so committed to you that he or she gives up power before ever taking power, leaving only public service — and getting only one vote of hundreds of millions on important issues, like the rest of us, even in the role of President.That’s what I’m offering.You still need someone smart and capable, but under the Legal Pledge, you can remove me at any time if you’re not satisfied.So all this to say: this campaign isn’t about me. It’s about what we can accomplish by working together, an extension of the work I began in 2013 to solve the most dire problems we face.All I care about, as a candidate and as a person, is solving these major problems: climate, poverty, health, war, authoritarian rule.The rest will be irrelevant without major progress in these areas, and soon.The good news: Positioning ourselves to solve these major problems will automatically solve the vast majority of our everyday problems as well. It is all one.

With that said, here are some answers to common questions:I’m 47.I have no political platform, ideology, or agenda.I look at life and its problems from a spiritual perspective.I studied business, economics, economic theory, and sociology at the University of North Carolina, with a degree in business.I have an IQ of 140 according to school records and an unofficial test 12 years ago.I trade-off good grammar for good communication, as needed.I traded stocks independently for many years and through both financial crises, so I know the game and the games.I worked for the Social Security Administration, which provided insights into government and identity; both of which are at the forefront of the mass of problems we face.Through this work at SSA, heavily geared toward disability claims; as well as world travel, an eclectic assortment of public-facing jobs, and working with impoverished and homeless people in my local communities in recent years; I've talked with, intimately, literally thousands of people from all backgrounds and walks of life, many of whom were — and are — facing horrible circumstances, traumas, and/or living conditions — problems so diverse and complex, there's no way to quantify it, no way to sum it up. The point being: I know what many of you are going through — the reality of these problems, the incredible range of them, and their severity. In addition, I've faced many of the same as a result of throwing myself into this work so completely that I've been days away from homelessness myself.I’m running for President to guide and focus the work that needs to be done to solve the most urgent problems we face. We have everything we need to do this right now, without A.I. or need of new technologies, and you'll be pleased with the results. I’m also running because the role of President gives me everything I need — an ample budget, the ability to reach anyone, the benefit of the doubt, the ability to pay people what they’re worth so they can seamlessly transition into this work and back again without worry of personal finances, family, or future — things I haven’t had, or these solutions would already be available. But I've come to see the purpose in this.I started this work when preparing a nonprofit foundation that would harness the financial earnings potential of a magnetic charging interface for smartphones, tablets, and other devices (patent linked here), which I filed globally with reach of 85 countries. I did the work myself, for five years, with the help of a small but wonderful group of investors and input from attorneys all over the world; but neither the work nor the expense was sustainable without further investment, which didn’t materialize. That said, the experience was invaluable, giving me further insights into both private equity and the realities and shortcomings of governments and government systems by working with them all over the world.All these experiences have been integrated into my work, and nothing that has happened in the world thus far has fallen outside its scope. It's excellent work, and it's always felt like a gift and not wholly my own; a product of my life experiences as well as profound spiritual insights along the way, and I’ve taken it as far as I can without your involvement.What is not within my control is your cooperation; both at this level, of election, and in your future choices to implement and participate in the solutions I’ll propose — solutions devised and discovered over the last 12 years, and 20 overall. But the choice will be yours: you will have far better options and, with them, control of your own destiny and access to a much better life, should you choose it.From research during my time as a stock trader, as an inventor, and from intense, personal interest, I know and understand technology well enough. And at the intersection of new technology and the wisdom of old, there are amazing things that can be done — and cause for great optimism, hope, and even excitement and joy. The only question, in my mind, is you.So when you're ready to move on from these problems and the systems that no longer serve us, know this: we can.

For a deeper understanding, watch two videos:

How to Occupy Capitalism (with Love) and Change the World >


A New Plan for Democracy >

You can also visit the 2020 campaign site:

About >

ByThePeople2020.org >

The site is unchanged since 2020 — and just as relevant today as it was then.

All videos are provided non-commercially under The Copyright Act of 1976 and other laws, for the public good.

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